Hallo und welcome to my brand new website and blog!
All this is new to me but I am extremely excited (and very grateful to my “webmaster” Jason) to introduce this site. I hope lots of my friends and readers will follow my blogs. It won’t be easy but I will try and keep my site as fresh and up-to-date as possible.
These are difficult times but perhaps for authors this period of uncertainty is a great opportunity. Should you be stuck at home (for whatever reason) you may find plenty of time to read. What could be easier than ordering an entertaining and easy-going book like mine! You will forget the present troubles and be carried away to the beautiful Cornish countryside and coastline...
At present I have copies of both my books here so if you don’t want a Kindle version or order through Amazon then please contact me and I will send a book out to you.
For those of you who order through Amazon, please leave a comment if you have enjoyed the book(s) – it would be very much appreciated.
I hope you will visit my site and blog regularly and enjoy reading my books and other publications.
Birte Hosken