December - we have again reached the end of another year.
I have changed direction somewhat with any writing currently on ice but the art is going well. My first solo exhibition was a great success. I am now awaiting a real make-over of my website - as long as I can persuade my very busy son to lend a hand!
The end of year tennis party and presentation evening went well, and we have since participated in various other pre-Christmas events. Over the next few days a couple more are coming up but then it is time for the family. We won't be 100 % complete this year but we will have two four-legged family members staying, adding an extra dimension to Christmas. There will be a lot of travelling involved - good weather conditions would certainly help.
We have endured heavy colds and storms over the last month or so. In my case running has suffered the most. Due to not being in top physical condition it had to take a back seat which is annoying, just as my times were getting better! I think, I am just about ready to start again. I carried on with my tennis, at times it may not have been the right decision.
Keep following my posts here and on Facebook/Instagram!
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. There will be many challenges ahead!!!
