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September - And yes, I do still exist!


No blog for two months - bit of a record? Probably, but not one to be proud of. However, a lot has happened in the last two months. Where to start? We have been on holiday, I have retained my club champions doubles title with my lovely doubles partner Annette who is now off to pastures new until May next year. I lost the singles crown - never mind, it went to someone much more talented and much, much younger!

We had visits from family and looked after two dogs for three weeks. We have been to the Minack Theatre (after many years), I have produced and sold artwork, done parkruns (although they had to take a back seat because of tennis) and M4M has re-started (Miles for Medals, our wonderful virtual running and walking group) to raise funds for our largest local hospital.

All in all the last two summer months have been very busy. Things are slowly getting back to normal now.

I am hoping to do something I have never done before - preparing for a solo art exhibition! At the moment this is just a project. A proposal to the venue will go out later today or tomorrow and then we will have to wait and see but if it comes off it would be a great opportunity and experience. It will probably take two months to organise this properly - publicity being the largest part. I will have my work cut out getting this one off the ground but I believe I can do it. Forget Christmas markets and other sales - this is a biggie if ever there was one.

There are other things to look forward to - family visits (both home and away), more dog sitting, a charity day with Pickle Ball at the Tennis Club (hopefully!), Christmas parties (work and tennis) etc etc. As an old German advert for petrol once used to say: "Es gibt viel zu tun - packen wir's an!" (There is a lot to do - let's get going!)

Photograph by Mike Sinclair.



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