Hi All
It is about time for a new blog. I have recently taken on a couple of new writing projects, not novel-length, but still creative.
Apart from that I have been on the fundraising trail. I am currently enjoying my membership of Miles for Medals where I have just completed my third challenge. Yesterday, 1st July, I started on another fundraising challenge - this time for Diabetes UK which is a charity that is close to my heart. Our son Jason is a Type 1 diabetic so I felt it was right to do this. So far I have not reached my fundraising target of £120, so if anyone feels that they would like to contribute please contact me via my website or Facebook (Birte Hosken). I would really appreciate people getting involved - many thanks. And a big thank-you to those who have donated already!
We are all a little scared of the coming weekend when the lockdown restrictions will be eased. With a huge family occasion coming up we will be "tourists" too which does not fill me with much confidence but we can only do our best to keep apart, keep safe and do lots of disinfecting - strange times we live in, for sure!
Soon it will be possible again to market my books in person. This is something I am looking forward to.
That's it for today - keep watching this space, and I will let you all know how I got on with my latest projects!
