So here we are - it's April, step 1 of the national roadmap for easing of lockdown has been achieved, and we are back on England's tennis courts. I played on day 1 (29/3/21) and it felt as if we'd never been away. It is good to be back, better than I thought it would be.
Writing projects are still slow and, as expected, time for art is getting scarce now. However, my webmaster Jason has done a fantastic job getting my lockdown art onto the website so that I can now sell books as well as art online.
My first piece of art has been sold recently (Jewels of the Sea) and I am hoping for the re-opening of local markets etc where I can display and sell the art. Currently I am selling mainly wall art as space is running out at home but I am happy to do table lamp bases, candle or plant holders or decorated mirrors to order if someone wants them. Just message/contact me to discuss the project. The problem with these delicate pieces of artwork is postage and packing - it's not so much the cost or taking them to the post office/courier depot but it is the transport itself. I would hate to see any of my work cracked or broken - and the packing of some of the fragile pieces could be a little problem. Don't be put off though - I am sure we can sort something out.
This week is a week off as far as running/walking challenges are concerned. Funny, how different life is when you are not constantly counting miles or feel that you have to go for a run. Don't get me wrong, I like running (strangely enough) but it can get a bit of an obsession when you are collecting mileage. I will start my next challenge on Monday, 12th April - so not much rest for the wicked! This time I have set myself a more realistic target and should not feel any stress over it. I am signed up for the next 10k at the end of May and I am looking forward to it. Luckily I have not given up on training for it since the last time I did it so I should be able to do it. I would just like to be a little faster perhaps and that means to find a slightly better route than last time.
I am hoping to produce blogs at least once per month - maybe even more often.
Let's keep fingers crossed that the Covid situation is going to improve this summer!
