I would like to wish all my friends and readers a very happy 2021. It's been a little while since I have updated my blog - no excuse really!
2020 has not been sooooo bad for me as an author. Although book sales could and should have been much, much better I sold a few books and got my name out there.
Just minutes ago I have learnt that I am too modest - I had to find my website and therefore googled myself and what did I find? One of my short stories got an "honourable mention" on the Dark Regions Press website! I did not even know that! And I don't normally write in that genre. It was one of those "I'll give it go" moments. I had a story in store that needed a bit of work and I sent it in. Not that I won anything but it was good enough to get a mention!
Other good things that came about last year was a new "sport" which I took up during lockdown. I joined a virtual running/walking group and absolutely got into it. I even finished the year running a 10k - I did not know that I had it in me to do that! I shall keep this going in 2021. It is a lovely group and I love the monthly challenges. It won't do my tennis any harm either.
Des and I got away last year, too - only in the UK, of course but still. We managed some great domestic holidays including social distancing, masks etc etc during the summer months. Unfortunately no book tours.
I have now run out of paperback copies of Petroc's Church - that does not mean it can't be ordered anymore but I will have to retrieve some unsold books locally to fill my store again. So, if you order I will do my best to get a paperback for you.
Book number 3 is now underway. No plans or ideas for a publishing date yet but work has started and it is exciting! Stay safe, everyone!!!!
